So... our friend Karl enters in this festival every year.
And last year we went out and were emotional support! haha
This year we went out there again to show our support... and Karl was already pretty far along. He had done the cows but was still debating on what to do with the background.
He couldn't decide if he wanted to do the blue that was on the picture or if
he wanted to put in a background.
He asked us our opinion... and almost all of us said blue... so the cows would "POP".
So Karl continued to work... and then I think Bryan slipped him a $20 (j/k), because Karl asked me if I want to help. I about pee'd my pants. I had been thinking about buying a plot for myself... but chickened out- I know I don't have the skill and experience. I have the heart, but that doesn't get good chalk art done.
So I jumped on the opportunity to help. So it was me, Bryan, and another friend of Karl's. We made a plan and executed. And I think we executed it pretty dang well.
I was so proud of us. Our blending was top notch. Karl had a huge crowd by his plot.
There were several people who came back several times. There was a girl who was trying to get into Vet School to work with large animal. Her dad made her stand by our picture and take multiple photos. It was funny. you could tell she was so embarrassed.
Animals are always a hit.
I was the messy one. I don't know how it happened. I think because it was so hot and sweaty... I just kept touching and rubbing. It took forever to wash all the blue off. I wasn't even very successful... I had blue spots for a couple days.
Karl was taking a break and we were standing there guarding the picture.
A guy walked by and asked if I was the artist. And I was torn... there was no way I was going to take credit for Karl's amazing work... but I put in some effort so I didn't want to say no. So we went with saying "We aren't the artist... he is over there... we are support... we are part of the troop". It sounded pretty good when we said it... but now it sounds kind of stupid. hm.
So now that I have returned to the world of blogging... I need to deal with all my spacing problems. ugh. but for not... just deal with it!
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