Wednesday, June 2, 2010

i am not a chef but...

I made a yummy yummy dinner last night.
We are calling them breakfast pepper chips.
I got the idea from a Martha Stewart show, but tweaked it.
I am satisfied with the result.

Those are bell pepper rings with an egg mixture inside.
Bryan's has meat but mine does not!

Isn't it not only beautiful but tasty looking!

YUM! So if you come up and visit... there is a good chance that I will fix this to eat!


  1. mmm those look delightful! I want some!! And when did you start doing the no meat thing? you like it? How's it workin' out?

  2. Since you moved I have had to resort to eating meat again. Thanks:(

  3. That does look yummy, and I look forward to eating it and your many other creations in a few months!!
